Francine Clee

Francine is the Assistant Editor of The Press.

Francine is the Assistant Editor of The Press.

Latest articles from Francine Clee

"Breast cancer screening saved my life"

As Communications Officer for York Against Cancer, Francine Clee regularly meets people living with the condition. Last year she herself was diagnosed and as Breast Cancer Awareness Month gets under way, she shares her story here

All aboard York Against Cancer's new minibus

A public appeal raised £150,000 for York Against Cancer to buy and run a new minibus taking patients to Leeds for radiotherapy. FRANCINE CLEE hitched a ride to experience a day in the life of the service.

Holiday rules

CREDIT crunch or no credit crunch, sometimes, something has to give.

Reasons for being French

WITH MY name, I have more than once been taken to be French. That is, until I speak and the Bradford vowels come tumbling from my lips, or I stand up and display the less than Gallic gracefulness of my carriage.

Panicking won’t change a thing

I TOOK my life in my hands today. Not by scaling the Mallory Step on Everest, or even just by crossing Hull Road, but by going to the doctor’s surgery.

Finding peace in the silence

It seems to have gone out of style these days, but once upon a time no self-respecting progressive home could be without a copy of that hymn to self-help, Desiderata.

Writing with a conscience

IT’S a strange thing that, as methods of communication grow more sophisticated and advanced, the uses to which they are put seem to get more infantile and base.

World calls at Gordon’s door

HOW can our world leaders ever hope to sort out global recession and the threat of nuclear war when they can’t even handle a simple meet and greet?