IS Jane Duke (Letters, July 17) aware she risks opening a can of worms about waiting times for buses?

I normally cycle to work but sometimes I must go by bus instead. Mornings aren't too bad, but in the evening I have had to endure really long waits

Once I waited 90 minutes for a No.1 bus, while being treated to a procession of the same heading in the opposite direction. Is there a bus-eating monster in Wigginton?

I have had to wait similar lengths of time at the railway station when the "un-lucky" No.13 bus to Copmanthorpe hasn't turned up.

All the talk of the bus drivers striking, the question is not when will the drivers strike, but would we notice if they did?

Dr. Simon Ward,

Barons Crescent,

Copmanthorpe, York.

Updated: 11:28 Saturday, July 19, 2003