A teenager has tackled Yorkshire’s Three Peaks in memory of his York dad and two brothers, who all died from brain tumours.

Lucas Hughes, 13, took on the challenge on April 30 alongside his mum and 65 other fundraisers to raise money for OSCAR’s Paediatric Brain Tumour Charity. 

The charity was set up by Marie and Ian, Lucas’ parents, in memory of their son Oscar, a Dunnington schoolboy, who died in 2014 at the age of just nine.

In 2020, Ian also died of a brain tumour and a few days after Ian’s funeral Lucas’ little brother, four-year-old Milo, was diagnosed with the same disease and died a year later.

York Press: Lucas Hughes and his mum Marie during the climb Lucas Hughes and his mum Marie during the climb (Image: OSCAR's)

During the challenge, the climbers battled torrential rain, winds and chilling temperatures across the gruelling 25-mile route.

They raised just over £24,000 for OSCAR’s to help other children diagnosed with brain tumours.

Marie, and Lucas’ eldest brother, Seb, have taken on similar challenges in the past, reaching the summit of both Snowdon and Ben Nevis – but Lucas admitted that this was the toughest yet, adding that “everyone was so wet”.

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Charity manager Phil Martinez, who used to teach the boys in the Hughes family, said: “When the climb got tough, I remembered it was nothing in comparison to what the families we work with are going through.

“I am thrilled to have so many new fundraisers involved making this our most successful family challenge ever.”

York Press: The climbers took on Yorkshire's Three Peaks for OSCAR's charityThe climbers took on Yorkshire's Three Peaks for OSCAR's charity (Image: OSCAR's)

They were joined by families, friends and local businesses, including a number of staff from event sponsors 1st Mortgage Services and charity partners Vantage Toyota.

Lucas added: “Having all these people doing this for a charity named after my brother is weird - but he would be so proud to know I was helping other people who had what he had.

 “You can’t imagine what it’s like to see one brother die, but then have it happen to your dad and another brother.

York Press: The group during the climbThe group during the climb (Image: OSCAR's)

“It is so scary and makes me feel angry and upset all at the same time.

“Then I remember how great they were and how much fun I had with them and it makes me smile.

“Also, I am so happy with my mum and with Seb, and thankful for them and my grandparents too.

“I try to do my best so Oscar, Milo, and my dad would be proud of me.”

York Press: Oscar Hughes, who died of a brain tumour aged nineOscar Hughes, who died of a brain tumour aged nine (Image: OSCAR's)

York Press: The group on top of one of the peaksThe group on top of one of the peaks (Image: OSCAR's)

OSCAR’s runs a range of different events, encouraging families to take part, all of which raise funds towards support and care for children and their families.

It has also set up new projects, including providing Booster Boxes full of gifts to children with brain tumours and their siblings and funding research for brain tumour survivors.

The charity is also investing in a national campaign with The Brain Tumour Charity to raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of childhood brain tumours. 

York Press: The group raised £24,000 for OSCAR’s The group raised £24,000 for OSCAR’s (Image: OSCAR's)

OSCAR’s next event is an inflatable 5k run on June 10, with people urged to sign up at: oscarspbtc.org/inflatable-run

To donate to Lucas’ Three Peaks challenge, visit: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/lucas-tulinius-hughes-threepeakchallenge