HAVE you ever wondered where the paranormal hotspots in York are?

We already know that the city is home to some haunted pubs- but these aren’t the only places said to be haunted.

We have created an interactive map documenting some spooky sightings and ghostly apparition that are said to have taken place in York- some of them might have taken place on a street near you.

Information sourced from Paranormal Databases

The map features haunted locations such as the Yorkshire Museum, where books were repeatedly pulled from the shelves.

The culprit is thought to be an elderly man who regularly peruses the shelves.

Another spooky place on the list is a house on Long House Lane, where one mum said her flat was haunted.

 Tacy Bruce said ghosts scratched her back and made her son cry.

She also said ghosts continually hid her belongings, driving her out of the house.

Have you experienced anything paranormal in the York? Tell us about it in the comments below or email sarah.mcgee@newsquest.co.uk.