THE new year has started with a bang for a resurgent North Yorkshire cricket club.

Whixley and District Community Cricket Club, who are rebuiling after a crippling arson attack, have been awarded the much-coveted ClubMark accreditation from the English and Yorkshire Cricket Boards.

The accolade is further proof of the club’s upturn in fortunes since their pavilion was destroyed by fire four years ago.

Since then, Whixley have raised £50,000 to buy the cricket field they previously rented and to provide temporary accommodation.

Officials are now planning to raise £200,000 over the next five years to provide a new pavilion to house teams playing in the Wetherby, Harrogate, Whixley and Nidderdale leagues.

Dick Watson, chairman of the club’s trustees, said: “The club has moved forward over the past two years or so and has become an integral part of the community.

“We are offering dedicated coaching for youngsters who will, in a few years time, have lots of opportunities to play for one of the four senior teams that the club fields every week throughout the season.”

The ClubMark award ceremony will take pride of place at the club’s annual presentation evening at the Anchor Inn, Whixley, on Friday, January 29.

The prestigious award recognises professionalism in organisation, coaching, administration, child welfare and in delivering fitness, education and cricketing skills to young people in the area.

Club president Iain Richardson will receive the award from Ian Powell, the Yorkshire Cricket Board cricket development manager for North Yorkshire.

Club members will also celebrate the progress made in junior cricket. Two years ago, Whixley Phoenix Juniors started with 12 juniors and their membership has since doubled.

With an increasing number of coaches being trained, Whixley are planning to cater for a further doubling of numbers in 2010.

Meanwhile, indoor training sessions start this month and further information is available from Iain or Jan Richardson on 01423 339693.