TWO new teams gained admission at the HPH York Vale Cricket League annual general meeting held at Fulfordgate WMC this week.

Hirst Courtney, formerly Hirst Utd, successfully applied for a new second eleven, while former East Riding Independent League high-fliers, North Cave were also unanimously elected.

League secretary Shane Hargrave said: "We are delighted to welcome the new teams, especially North Cave who are a very progressive club with an excellent ground and facilities."

The two new admissions increases the membership of the league to 50 teams.

The meeting also agreed three minor rule changes and a restructuring of the league's cup competitions.

All the league's officials were reappointed including: president: Guy Mitchell, chairman: Frank Stones, vice-chairman: Mike Mead, secretary and press officer: Shane Hargrave, treasurer: Mike Hamshere, results officer: Andy Copeland and committee members: Peter Northfield, Mike Wellock, Dave Smith, Rich Kerrison, Paul Smith and Les Fearn.

It was anticipated that fixtures for the new season would be circulated to clubs in early January.