RYEDALE Cameras in Action, the charity that manages CCTV in Malton, Norton and Pickering, has appointed Martin Dales as its new chairman.

Mr Dales is a Malton town councillor and former mayor and has been a member of the committee since the charity was founded 15 years ago.

He has taken over from Geoff Rennie, who is now vice-chairman.

Mr Dales said: “I want to pay tribute to all the hard work that Geoff has put in over many years in getting the town a CCTV system in the first place and his leadership to ensure it has kept operating for all this time.

“We live in challenging times and the funding of the system is dependent on the support of the residents, councils and businesses in the area. It is clear that North Yorkshire Police find it an invaluable tool in the fight against crime, which helps us all to feel safe in our towns whether as residents or visitors.”