Updated: A RAIL worker has died after becoming trapped between two trains on a heritage railway in North Yorkshire.

The man died in the incident at Grosmont Station, on the North Yorkshire Moors Railway, at about 12.30pm yesterday, British Transport Police said.

A spokeswoman for the railway confirmed that the incident involved a member of staff and that all trains were cancelled for the remainder of the day following the tragedy.

All services at Grosmont are expected to resume as normal this morning.

The man, who has not yet been named, is believed to have been a railway guard who was in his 60s. He is thought to have become crushed between two engine units.

A BTP spokesman said: “BTP officers were called to Grosmont rail station on Monday following a report of an incident involving a member of staff working on the North Yorkshire Moors Railway.”

He said BTP and North Yorkshire Police attended the incident, which is not believed to be suspicious.

Paramedics also attended but the man was pronounced dead at the scene. The spokesman said: “An investigation is ongoing to establish the full circumstances surrounding the man’s death.

“The Rail Accident Investigation Branch has been informed.”

Emergency crews remained on site until late afternoon and police cordoned off the area as investigations got under way.

The North Yorkshire Moors Railway terminates at Grosmont, and the Whitby to Middlesbrough network line runs through the village.