HUNDREDS of workers from across York have cycled more than 100,000 miles in the York Cycle Challenge – the equivalent of cycling more than four times around the world.

The three-week challenge started on June 16 and ended on July 6, the same day as stage two of the Tour de France Grand Dèpart set off from York.

The challenge between workplaces aims to introduce as many newcomers to cycling as possible. Participants logged their cycling online and a variety of prizes were on offer for individuals and teams.

Councillor Sonja Crisp, cabinet member for leisure, culture and tourism, said: “The York Cycle Challenge is helping to build a lasting legacy to the Tour de France coming to York. It is great to see so many people getting back on their bikes and encouraging others to do the same and rediscover the joys of cycling for leisure or work.”

This year 82 organisations competed the challenge.

They clocked up the greatest percentage of staff cycling with 1,519 individuals participating. Even more new cyclists signed up this year as 365 individuals cycled for the first time in more than a year to help their workplace ride to victory.