A PROGRAMME of free events in Bridlington Old Town will take place on Saturday, 13 September as part of the National Heritage Open Days Weekend.

A new Old Town Trail is being launched as part of the annual event following the popularity of the original trail which was set up in 2005. Copies will be available from shops, The Priory Church, Bayle Museum, other Old Town outlets and Bridlington Tourist Information Centre.

Events and activities on Saturday include guided tours of Bridlington Priory, 10.30am-2.30pm; an Old Town Guided Walk with David Mooney, Local Historian at 10.30am - meet at the Bayle Museum.

Blacksmithing Workshops from 10am-12noon and 2-4pm with traditional master craftsman at work, including local blacksmith David Cooper.

The Bayle Museum will be open from 11am-4pm, with free entry with activities for children.