CUTTING the cake has long been a wedding tradition.

In fact it dates back to Roman times, when the custom was for the groom to break a cake of bread over the bride’s head to ensure fertility.

In Medieval England, the happy couple would try to kiss over a stack of sweet buns piled high – hence the modern stacked cake design – and if they succeeded, they would be blessed with many children.

Let’s hope all of this is superstition, because Matt and Kelly Gamblin missed out on their ceremonial cutting, not their fault, you understand, for forgetting to order a cake, nor the caterers for mislaying it. No the culprit was an anonymous pooch who took a shine to Matt and Kelly’s red velvet confection, then proceeded to scoff the lot.

How do we know it was a dog? Elementary, Watson; a trail of paw prints and mutt hairs on what was left of the cake.

What a pawful shame. At least Kelly says it didn’t spoil her big day.