THERE’S something alluring about rivers. People are more than happy to pay premium prices to own a house by one, York Boat is crammed to the gunnels in summer and try finding a seat outside a riverside bar when the sun comes out.

But for all their beauty, hidden dangers lurk in any river and sadly that is illustrated once again, as we report another potential Ouse tragedy.

Our heart goes out to the missing man’s family; it also goes out to those friends and relatives who have been here before and for whom this news will bring back painful memories.

But we are glad that relatives of some victims already support our decision to relaunch The Press river safety campaign, which seeks to resonate with anyone who goes near a river and may be tempted to ignore the perils it holds.

We also offer our support to Dave Benson, hoping he will successfully launch his safety boat in York, because we believe it would go a long way towards reducing tragic river accidents.

On the banks of the Ouse is a plaque in memory of Paul Rogerson, who drowned in the river in 2011. Next to it lies a bouquet of flowers bearing the message: “Please help ensure no such tragedy can ever happen again by taking extra care when near the river.”

We must find a way to make sure people take heed of these words.