JOURNALISTS are usually the ones reporting on the exploits of entrepreneurs.

Journalist Dom Smith, however, is hoping to be crowned Young Entrepreneur Of The Year at The Press Business Awards 2010.

Dom set up music magazine spheremag in 2009, after being inspired by Yorkshire’s alternative music scene and the lack of journalistic opportunity for graduates.

He started selling advertising in October as a sole trader and, a few months later, obtained £1,000 funding to produce a printed magazine.

He now uses the city’s students as volunteer writers, and promotes media skills and entrepreneurialism at home and abroad.

He is an ambassador for Enterprise UK, head of online journalism for York-based accessible community media group KhaoZ Media and as a media consultant for the Explore Media project, teaching media skills in local libraries.

“My aim is to get more young people and graduates to become part of the spheremag project – getting more support from young creatives has certainly been the best thing about having both the print and online outlets and starting out in business by myself,” he said.