Staggering to see the money supply being increased manually, because the attempts to make credit available haven’t worked so far. I seem to remember when analysts were wailing about the money supply being out of government control because credit was so available the money supply was growing willy-nilly. How times change!

I still find myself shaking my head in disbelief at the paucity of ideas the government or indeed anyone seems to show when it comes to getting the economy moving again. It appears they all talk to each other and listen to the same analysts and not one of them has an original idea in his or her head.

Car industry sales, well you may have seen one of my suggestions in an earlier blog, offering cash to trade in old bangers for new less polluting cars. What is also needed is reassurance to the people of the UK that the vicious taxation on family sized cars now renamed “gas guzzlers” will not continue. As a friend RH put it so well, “I’m not going to buy a new car because I don’t know how much tax I’m going to be hammered with. They should put the tax on fuel so that those who use the most pay the most!” I‘ve said as much myself but couldn’t have put it better.

We need some certainty that we are not going to face even more tax and an even greater loss on our cars if we are to risk buying a new one. Get rid of annual car tax, put the tax on the fuel, it's fair and it will work. Instead of a tax disc display MOT and Insurance discs, simple.

A bit of investment in NEW railways would be a sensible step too as they are a lot cheaper to build than motorways. Anyone mentioned it yet? Anyway back to the subject of independent motoring.

If I was an MP would I be able to claim the cost of running a car as an expense? If I could then maybe I wouldn’t care what my tax changes did to those less well off people trying to live a normal life in the UK.

All our real costs are going up. Things like Council Tax and Car Tax, Tax on alcohol, all up more than the cost of living. All rising a lot faster than our incomes! No doubt we’ll soon have Obesity Tax on Chocolate, followed by Obesity Tax on Pork Pies, Cheese, Butter, Cream, Fish and Chip, in fact all Takeaway Food. Fat chance? You’ll see it’ll happen because nanny wants it to. Of course in England we are worse off than anywhere else in the UK. We have to pay for Prescriptions, Parking at out Hospitals, pay to go to University, pay to go in to Care, waste our Education Budget on SATS, oh I can’t be bothered, you’ve heard it all before. Worst of all though is the feeling that I have no voice and that nobody cares because after all, I’m just an Englishman. Does our democracy work for the English?

If you look down the list of Cabinet Ministers you won’t see the word England or English anywhere. Check it out for yourself at Perhaps we could beg for a Secretary of State for England and an English Office to support it? Also add (UK) if the minister looks after all the UK, or for example (EW) if they look after England and Wales.

I’m dreaming I know, I won’t hold my breath.