I READ with interest the piece about the funeral collection at the crematorium in memory of Brent Woodcock and the distress it has caused his loved ones (The Press, August 10).

I have heard similar problems over the years. The system operated by the crematorium is seriously flawed.

Once donations are placed on the collection plate, the crematorium should take responsibility for forwarding them to the named charity and they should never be returned to the family or funeral directors.

I am one of the churchwardens at St Chad’s Church in York and we operate a simple system. Once the funeral party leaves the church the money donated is counted and is banked by our treasurer.

A cheque is then forwarded to the chosen charity, giving the name and address of the family; the charity then writes directly to thank the family and in most cases the church recieves a letter as well.

If the crematorium will not take on this simple task, I respectfully suggest that those attending a funeral should make a cheque out to the chosen charity and place this on the plate.

David H Meek, Yarburgh Way, York.