WHAT a load of rubbish Mr E Carter writes (Cycle of change, July 3).

If the car is such an advancement on the bike, how come we are now dependent on oil (mostly from the most unstable part of the world) at ever-increasing prices?

Our cities are full of pollution, our children more prone to asthma and obesity. Half our countryside buried under roads and concrete driveways and our climate in chaos.

Unfortunately cars have become a necessity in many ways.

But the bike a thing of the past? I don’t think so.

I can be in the centre of town from Acomb in 17 minutes, or return from Acomb shopping centre in about five (crossing the never-ending stream of cars puts the time up). Bike loaded with good food – no problem parking.

If I had to give up all my possessions bar one, it would be the bike I’d keep.

Mrs A Donaldson, Danebury Drive, York.