AN inspirational woman who has achieved numerous ambitions with the help of her guide dog is planning to climb the Yorkshire Three Peaks.

Kelly Cronin, 23, from Huntington, who is almost completely blind, achieved outstanding A-levels at Huntington School, worked in York, travelled in Australia and has started the first steps to becoming a barrister by taking a law degree in Leeds, alongside her guide dog, Holly.

Kelly now plans to take part in the 25-mile three peaks challenge to raise £5,000 to name a guide dog and fund the first year of its training to allow another blind or partially sighted person greater independence.

Kelly, a volunteer for the Guide Dogs charity, said: “The difference Holly has made to my life is almost indescribable. I do things now I would not dare to do if I did not have her with me, she has given me freedom.

“I don’t have to rely on anybody else because I have got her with me.

“I commute all over the country, the world has opened up because she is with me. Raising money to allow someone else to have a guide dog means everything to me. I would not have the life I do if I did not have Holly.

“If I can help someone else to have independence that means everything to me.”

Kelly will be part of a group of 15 – including three partially-sighted or blind people – who will take part in the challenge in aid of Guide Dogs on July 14.

She has already decided on the name Frankie, in honour of the support she has received from the Francis Drake of York Lodge, which her stepfather Alistair Cole currently chairs.

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