I wholeheartedly agree with the British Red Cross’s report (published Monday, June 11) that the well-being of elderly people is being put at risk due to public sector cuts in home-based care services.

What was particularly worrying was the comment from Dave Prentis, General Secretary of the Unison trade union, that carers often are only given a 15 minute slot to visit a client’s home.

There is no way that any carer, however efficient they are, can provide a decent level of care in a quarter of an hour.

Some elderly people have no family and rely on their carers for companionship as well as helping them with domestic and personal tasks.

Carers being given enough time to provide both emotional and practical support is essential to maintain elderly people’s independence and well-being. It also can prevent them from being admitted to hospital which would be a drain on the public purse.

There are less vital council services where costs can be cut, but providing care for elderly and vulnerable people should be sacrosanct.

Glenn Pickersgill, Heritage Healthcare, Tower Court, Clifton Moor, York.