I AM writing my first letter to The Press because the debate on cars verses cycles seems endless and no one is ever going to be 100 per cent right.

If it’s blocking off rat runs, losing lanes of traffic to make a cycle lane or moving a cycle lane in between lanes – the list goes on and on, as does the debate.

What prompted me to write was the letter “Give this cycle lane a wide berth” and a photo of a car with the driver opening his door. Coun Andrew D’Agorne complains about the hazards of using a cycle lane which has been paid for by drivers in road tax – heaven forbid cars drive on it!

As a driving instructor, I assure Coun D’Agorne car drivers are taught that before opening your door you first check for hazards, such as cars and bicycles.

So instead of whining about the poor positioning of cycle lanes, cyclists should take more responsibility when riding and try slowing down a bit.

You know to slow down on the approach to traffic lights even if on green, as they may change. Perhaps cyclists could just be more careful when riding on roads built for cars.

Kevin Warters, Poppleton Road, York.