LOCAL magician Craig Stephenson will perform in York next week - and The Press has two tickets to give away.

He is performing in the Basement at City Screen Cinema on May 31, and one lucky winner will receive two tickets, to be collected on the door.

Mr Stephenson said: “I am a professional magician based in York, providing fantastic magic with everyday objects and encourage lots of audience participation. I typically work in corporate events and weddings, but my real passion is for cabaret stage work where I can share my love of this art with as many people in a relaxed, and often comical, environment.”

The show will also involve two other York-based magicial performers: Tom Crosbie and Chris Rawlins, a student at the University of York.

The competition is open to our followers on twitter. Simply send a tweet mentioning both @yorkpress and @craigstephenson and we will draw a winner at noon on Wednesday.