SESSAY Cricket Club will stage their first Sainsbury’s Sport Relief Mile on Sunday, March 25.

The Sessay mile will start at the village hall and have the back drop of the White Horse of Kilburn at Sutton Bank.

There will be two start times, 1,30pm and 2.30pm, with entrants raising money for the national Sport Relief charity.

Stephen Langstaff, Sessay cricket captain and Sport Relief Mile organiser, said: “The Sainsbury’s Sport Relief Mile is coming to Sessay and this is your time to shine.

“From teeny tots with their mums and dads to super sprinters up against the clock, there is something for everyone on the big day.”

There will also be a pre-race warm-up zumba, catering, tombola, bar, cake stall and a host of competitions on the cricket field.

Anyone interested in donating prizes or in helping out should phone Langstaff on 07875 058538.