YOUNG performers will be showing off their moves in a dance extravaganza this week to help boost a fundraising campaign to help a disabled York teenager walk unaided for the first time.

Pupils at Barbara Taylor School of Dance are taking part in It’s Dance Time, which includes dance styles ranging from tap and ballet to disco, as well as singing, to raise funds for The Make A Stand For Thomas appeal.

Strensall teenager Tom Arnett was born with cerebral palsy, leaving him unable to walk due to nerve damage which badly affects his ability to control leg movement.

A campaign to raise the money needed for the operation was launched in October last year, after NHS North Yorkshire and York said it could not fund the operation. The Make A Stand For Thomas appeal has now topped the £24,000 mark, following a series of fundraising events, and the dance show will help exceed the £25,000 target.

Barbara Taylor said a parent of one of her pupils had told her about the cause, and she felt she wanted to help. “This operation could change his life,” she said.

“We expect to raise more than £2,000 from the event.”