I had some business in Osbaldwick and decided to go for a walk as I spent part of my time as a boy there.

I could not believe my eyes when I came across the new Derwenthorpe development. This surely has to be the most ugly development put up in York for many a year – probably exceeding the Stonebow monstrosity.

The houses seem like ski slopes from a winter Olympic Games complex. The roof lines are enormous and the houses themselves are totally out of perspective with any of their surroundings. I feel so sorry for the people who live opposite.

How can it be that something as offensive as this can be designed by a right thinking architect, be associated with the Joseph Rowntree Trust and get passed by the planning department and City of York City?

How is it that any house with an “Eco” sticker attached can get a design through so easily? Our sight is one of our greatest gifts and what we build to look at has to be meaningful for our soul.

I want our construction industry to be busy, but not in the wrong way of building a new village of 500 homes that will be a complete eyesore for several generations.

Keith Massey, Mill Lane, York.