A MASSIVE fire which devastated Selby’s Abbey Leisure Centre could be viewed as an opportunity to create something bigger and better for the town, it has been claimed.

A huge fire tore through the Abbey Leisure Centre in Scott Road last Tuesday, and virtually gutted the centre, which underwent a £1.1million refurbishment less than 18 months ago.

Councillor Steve Shaw-Wright said the fire could be an opportunity to rebuild completely, with input from Selby residents and collaborations with council partners.

Coun Shaw-Wright said: “It’s a terrible thing, but we have to look at the positive side. If it has to come down, and I would be very surprised if it doesn’t, we have to talk to people about what they want.

“I think that whole area is a massive site, it would seem remiss not to look at what we could do in a big scheme and work out what we can do with the money and the partners who want to play. I’d look at the biggest possibilities then whittle away, down to what works. Selby hasn’t got a running track, for example. We could consider that and dismiss it, but should at least consider it.”

Coun Shaw-Wright also said plans for the area from 2001 could be investigated again, which included a new £5.5million sports complex in Selby, including a new sports hall between the leisure centre and Selby Town’s ground, and a new stand for the club.

He said: “We could look at having a really good leisure facility on that site, Its quite a large site, and plans in the past were the football club which is next door to the leisure centre was going to become part of a sport complex. I think it’s an opportunity for the council and the people to get together and make it something really to be proud of again.”

Tommy Arkley, club secretary for Selby Town, said any plans would be considered if the club was approached, providing they were feasible.

Mr Arkley said: “If it benefits the club, we will look at it.

“We’re definitely open to offers, because our facilities are dated to say the least. We will just have to wait to see what the outcome of the structural engineer’s report is.”

The cause of the severe fire is currently being investigated by forensic experts and the structural damage to the building is being assessed.