I AGREE with Sonja Crisp (Letters, January 27) when she says we should speak out against hatred.

Unfortunately, some correspondents regularly try to fill us with hatred for others.

One hates all Germans, even though the war has been over for nearly 70 years and Germany is now the most civilised, successful and law-abiding country in Europe.

Then there is the woman who condemns the Israelis because they retaliated when Muslims “fired a few rockets into Israel”.

Then there is the man who tries to fill us with his hatred of all things American. This person believes the Japanese were innocent in the 1940s, and that the Iranian Islamic government is just a friendly group who are trying to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, in spite of the fact that the Iranians have promised to destroy Israel and that they are developing the nuclear power 250 feet underground.

I mention no names, but we all know who the caps fit.

Derek Martin, Fulford Road, York.