GRAHAM SMITH penned an interesting letter in The Press of February 2, but as usual with regard to global warming his quotes were somewhat one-sided.

It is all very well quoting man’s output of CO2 in massive figures, but there is never a figure quoted as to the amounts of CO2 absorbed naturally by plants etc. This is probably because a measurement of this magnitude would be near-impossible to collate.

Mr Smith says the natural output of CO2 has been balanced by photosynthesis, but man has turned this balance on it head by his outputs of CO2.

Global warming is, allegedly, happening because the sun’s radiated heat strikes earth and is then trapped by a blanket of CO2, thus preventing this heat escaping back into space. This trapping of radiated heat is allegedly causing the earth to get warmer.

If this is the case, why isn’t the radiated heat from the sun prevented from reaching earth because of this blanket of CO2?

Mr Smith poses the question: “What difference to the 17C we should be having were there not the 40 per cent increase in CO2?”.

Well Mr Smith, just what difference would it make as you never answered your own question?

Philip Roe, Roman Avenue South, Stamford Bridge.