HELEN Mead believes that a 19-year-old is far too young to be a magistrate (The Press, September 19). That's her opinion. However, I was angry to read that she believes 19-year-olds are "naive" and have a "rose-coloured outlook".

I recently turned 19 and for several years have not a rose-coloured outlook on the world. I believe the world may have changed since Helen was 19, which makes it difficult for her to make statements about "young people who haven't been there and done that".

We do not have the life experience as someone her age, yet she appears to have little idea about 19 year olds today.

I start university in a couple of weeks and am under no illusion that the world owes me a living, with constant reminders of how working hard is the only way to get anywhere and that even if you do, success is by no means a guarantee.

I realise I will not be marrying Johnny Depp and I can easily go on holiday with my parents without feeling I would like the earth to swallow me up because I am just so embarrassed about them - which, yes, I would have been when I was 14.

Helen Mead's opinions seem rather outdated.

Hannah Hessle, Beech Grove, York.