IT’S a fund razor like no other – moustaches will be sprouting all across York this month as an annual festival of facial hair gets under way to highlight men’s health issues.

Movember, a month-long campaign which in particular raises awareness of prostate cancer, will see members of the congregation of a York church, as well as workers at The Press, relinquishing their razors.

Mo Bros, as participants are dubbed, start Movember on November 1 clean shaven and then have the remainder of the month to grow and groom their moustache, raising sponsorship money for The Prostate Cancer Charity.

Members of St Paul’s Church in Holgate will be joining in and the church will hold a Men’s Health Party on November 15.

Last year, the church raised £750 through sponsorship and a moustache party.

Carl Tinnion, from the church, said: “If anyone has a moustache already they can join us by reshaping it into a new design – or participants can start growing it on November 1.

“Alternatively, if anyone needs a bit of a head start, they are now allowed to start growing stubble only during October, shaping the moustache on November 1.”

A team from The Press are also growing moustaches to raise money for the charity.

There will also be an event at the Old White Swan, Goodramgate on Tuesday, November 29, from 7pm, for all the Mo’s to gather and admire the month’s work.

Last year, across the world, more than 447,000 Mo Bros got on board, raising more than £48.6 million.

To date, Movember has raised more than £108.5 million for the fight against prostate cancer and depression in men.

A spokesperson for the charity said: “Movember will continue to work towards helping to change established habits and attitudes and make men aware of the risks they face, thereby increasing early detection, diagnosis and effective treatment.”

For more information or to register, go to

If you have Movember stories, phone The Press newsdesk on 01904 567131.