THE big six energy companies must be quaking in their boots now that our Government will be “watching them closely”.

Unemployment reaches record levels; a minister throws constituents’ letters into park bins, another has a conflict of interest involving his best friend; failure to take action against the investment banking sector whose behaviour led us into crisis; an unelectable opposition and a poodle Government operated for big business by big business.

It is no secret that a donation of £50,000 will get you an interview with David Cameron as part of the Leader’s Group.

This in a country which allows 70,000 out of 100,000 new jobs to go to migrant EU workers during an employment crisis. And where last week a dinner took place in London, with or ten courses and fine wines. Tickets were sold out and the price per head for dinner was £1,250. So we are all in this together, are we?

Truth and integrity seem to have left the building as far as politics are concerned.

Charlie Stone, Southolme Drive, York.

• IT’S a shame David Cameron doesn’t appear to represent his electorate with his recent urgent talks with the energy companies.

Ofgem has claimed that these companies are making £125 profit per customer. He clearly has danced to their tune of “Obscene profits are good for business”, while neglecting to think of what that means to all us who dread the huge price we may have to pay to keep warm this winter.

Their callous advice is to virtually wrap up to keep warm. So we are on our own to make savings where we can. Good advice could be: “Save hot water, bath with a friend”. I for one will be stocking up with extra hot mints!

Phil Shepherdson, Chantry Close, Woodthorpe, York.