GOING on from Mr P Elskill and Andre Carr’s problems of using Hazel Court (Letters, October 5 and 11), I found an old petrol can with liquid swishing about inside.

Taking it to Hazel Court, with other items on August 26, I was told that it could not be left there and was advised to bury it.

Trying to be responsible I telephoned York Pride asking where the can could be disposed.

Surprise, surprise, I was told to take it to Hazel Court!

When told they had refused to take it, I was advised that the council would look into the situation and return a call within “ten working days”.

Having not heard from the council by September 27, I wrote a letter to the chief executive (going straight to the top) asking where the petrol can should be buried.

A letter arrived a week later to be told that investigations were in hand. It is now almost seven weeks since I ventured to Hazel Court with the petrol can.

Is there anybody in council employment capable of sorting out these basic and unnecessary problems at Hazel Court?

Ian Tomlinson, Pulleyn Drive, Tadcaster Road, York.

John Goodyear, assistant director of Communities and Neighbourhoods City of York Council, says: “I apologise to Mr Tomlinson if this was the advice he received, as the staff at Hazel Court household waste recycling centre would not normally advise that an old petrol can should be buried. While there is no facility at the site for the disposal of petrol, staff should advise residents to contact Waste Services so that a collection could be arranged.

“We have investigated this matter and reminded the staff as to the appropriate advice if the circumstances should arise again. I will arrange a suitable time for collection and appropriate disposal.”