I read with incredulity (The Press, June 28) that 200 council workers have the luxury of the private use of council vehicles to commute to and from work at a cost to the council taxpayers of £150,000 per annum.

And that it seems is only the cost of the fuel. If overheads of road tax, servicing, insurance, tyres and depreciation are added, the costs may well triple.

So far as I am aware, anyone using a vehicle provided by an employer for commuting has a tax liability for “the benefit” that accrues.

It is to be hoped the council and the users are declaring the usage to HM Customs & Revenue.

More importantly, how has this Spanish practice been allowed to arise at all? One can understand, for example, police dog patrol officers having good reason to take a vehicle home to be able to respond to emergencies.

But what possible justification is there for council workers to do so? It’s about as daft as allowing bus drivers or goods delivery drivers to take their vehicles home. And the private sector is not so stupid as to allow it to happen.

At a time when the country – let alone the council – is cash-strapped it is high time a comprehensive review of council expenditure was undertaken to cut such profligate spending.

Allan Charlesworth, Old Earswick, York.