I dread driving through Gate Helmsley, etc, and seeing upturned, empty plastic buckets near thirsty, tethered horses.

As a reader pointed out (July 6), fresh water is vital to a horse’s diet. They drink from five to ten gallons a day.

What is needed is sturdy, stable drinking water containers, and small groups of caring neighbours and pubs nearby kindly taking turns to top them up with water.

Come on Yorkshire! Couldn’t stone masons and garden centres kindly donate some unwanted “imperfect” trough or heavy containers? Come on, compassionate local residents. Couldn’t you get together and have an easy rota?

The more people, the less often it is your turn. Just to make sure intelligent, defenceless beings do not die of thirst under your very eyes (while some of you bet high stakes on their mates in the Grand National?).

Good Samaritans help because there is only one law: “Do not harm other beings, and you see one is in need, do your best to help.”

Brigitte Rix, Juniper Close, New Earswick, York.