YORK Local Involvement Network (LINk) represents people within the City of York Council boundary who use health and social care services, including wheelchair services.

The LINk carried out a visit to the Wheelchair Centre, off Shipton Road, York in 2010 and made several recommendations to improve services. However, since that time various other problems, such as the timescale for adaptations and repairs and access to buildings, have come to light.

To try to find out more about what people think about wheelchair services, York LINk is holding a consultation event on at New Earswick Folk Hall on June 29, from 11am to 1pm; to book please phone the LINk office 01904 621631.

Anyone who would like to give information but cannot attend the event can phone or write to the address below or email participate@yorklink.org.uk

Annie Thompson, Partnership co-ordinator, York LINk, Holgate Villa, 22 Holgate Road, York, YO24 4AB.

01904 621631.

07971 054829.