IN RESPONSE to Mrs K Mullen (Letters, May 17), I was delighted that neither Blair nor Brown were invited to the Royal Wedding (and what a fabulous occasion it was for our country).

While we will never know the exact reasons for this, or who made the decision, I would like to guess at a few.

Mr Blair has a wife who is a stated republican who refused to show any deference to the Queen or her family, and who has recently claimed that she would have refused the invitation in any case.

He presided over a Government that raped our pension system, sold off our gold at a ridiculous price, encouraged uncontrolled immigration and continued the Labour project of dumbing down society through sub-standard education, discouragement of true entrepreneurship through over-regulation and embracing the culture the of celebrity.

And Mr Brown was arguably the worst chancellor in history and a man totally unfit for high office.

It is also likely that a majority of Labour MPs are covert republicans, but are prevented from honestly declaring their position because it would be a vote loser.

Bravo to whoever omitted these two.

Martin Smith, Main Street, Elvington, York.