I WOULD like to add to Roy Stevens’s conclusions (Letters, Friday 13) regarding over-population.

Firstly, every one of the problems we face can be linked directly back to over-population, for example pollution levels, housing, employment, education, health services, energy demands, traffic congestion, and food and water supply.

The UK is only capable of feeding half of the population from national sources. By 2050, the world will have to double food production to feed its population. If I had young children or grandchildren, I would be extremely concerned that our politicians are ignoring the approaching catastrophe.

Julian Sturdy MP’s response to this prognosis was “there is nothing we can do”. Politicians may not have the courage to tackle this issue head on, but the other hand big business gains from increased population. Big business and politics tend to operate hand in hand. In the meantime, the general population is facing serious survival difficulties. Why will nobody listen?

Charlie Stone, Southolme Drive, York.