PHILIP ROE’S letter of May 12 is too simplistic to answer in detail and seems only a statement of faith in a system that has plunged us into a blood-soaked 21st century.

No proof exists that bin Laden planned 9/11 other than that from the CIA, which is itself not credible when producing “evidence” for wars it planned before the event.

If, by some coincidence, bin Laden did help to organise 9/11 then it would make him little worse than those who planned the destruction of the tower blocks in Baghdad, Fallujah, Basra, Kabul, Kandahar, etc, as prelude to, and revenge for, 9/11. It has become understandable, with the latest news, just why the US decided their best hate figure was worth more as a corpse. Just as credibility of their 9/11 story is collapsing they find documents that link bin Laden.

No doubt this too will be swallowed by the half-made men and women (referring to those who have developed the ability to regurgitate others’ words without ever analysing their truths) at the BBC and elsewhere, as incontrovertible proof.

R Westmoreland, The Oval, Pocklington.