Dunnington Tennis Club will open their 2011 season by celebrating the award of the Lawn Tennis Association’s ClubMark.

ClubMark sets the standard for quality sports clubs, being an accreditation scheme which stands for child protection and safety, quality coaching, equal opportunities and good club management.

Dunnington is one of only four tennis clubs within the York and district area to receive this prestigious award and delighted senior performance coach Karen Mitchell said: “We are extremely pleased to be awarded ClubMark as it shows the commitment from the coaches and management in developing tennis at Dunnington Tennis Club.”

A total of around 50 youngsters are catered for at Dunnington and the club also boasts 100 adult members, who have helped form six mixed, three men’s and four ladies’ teams.

During the 2010 season, the ladies won the first division, while the mixed teams also clinched the first and third division titles.

There are currently four carpet courts, with plans afoot to re-lay two floodlit courts with help from funding from the LTA which, if granted, will enable play throughout the year. Chairman Katie Milne added: “We are delighted and very proud to receive ClubMark status which we hope will help to attract people within the local and wider community to tennis.

“I am confident that achieving ClubMark, and the systems and processes we have established will make us more attractive to parents, schools and the local community and we will work together with Karen to ensure the continuous development and improvement of our tennis club.

“We are always looking for new members, both juniors and adults, and we hope this award will encourage people to come to the club and see what’s on offer.”

For further information about Dunnington Tennis Club phone Karen Mitchell on 07710 438404, or email dunningtontennisclub@hotmail.co.uk