JULIA Heaton mocks our linking of voting YES to electoral reform with the suffragette movement (Letters, March 29).

I bet she and those who support NO don’t know the real history of the suffragette movement in York. We do. We have searched the City Archives and academic research papers in order to be fully informed.

Does she know the names of the three most prominent suffragettes in York, variously imprisoned and electing to go on hunger strike? Doubtful.

My first call to the cause for fair representation in Parliament, came subsequent to the 1979 General Election.

Despite electing the first female PM to office, I was outraged by the fact that of 635 MPs at that time, a mere 19 were women. Hardly representative of the electorate. I joined the then 300 group campaign and the rest is history.

Felicity Fairer, Voluntary Organiser for ‘York says Yes!’ Dringhouses, York.