AS a church clock struck 2pm, time rolled back for a golden couple who had returned to the village where they tied the knot 50 years before.

Reg and Pam Burn were married at 2pm at Coxwold Church on August 25, 1956, after courting for seven years following their meeting at a dance in the village hall.

Memories came flooding back as they returned to their wedding venue yesterday to mark their marital milestone.

"Our wedding was a beautiful day with a thunder storm later on," said Pam, who said Reg had swept her off her feet.

The couple are also being joined by friends and relatives for a party at a friend's home in Husthwaite tomorrow.

Pam, now 73, grew up in Coxwold with her brother, while Reg, 80, was from Sutton-under-Whitestonecliffe, and the youngest of 13 children.

They made their home in Coxwold before moving to Easingwold where they have lived for 27 years.

Reg was a farmer before working for Hambleton District Council as a refuse collector. He retired due to ill-health at 58, but continued to enjoy dog walking and bowling for Easingwold Bowling Club.

Pam cared for her parents until they died and then worked for 13 years as a relief officer at Tanpit Lodge in Easingwold.

She was president of the Byland with Wass Women's Institute branch for 13 years, and the voluntary county organiser for the North Yorkshire East Federation.

She has also been involved in flower arranging, including as a show judge and a demonstrator.

Asked for her advice to newlyweds, Pam said: "Pull together and talk things through rather than fall out. I wouldn't say that we never have a cross word. We wouldn't be human if we didn't. Enjoy every day as it comes and thank goodness that you are happy."