HAVING read the Letters page yesterday, April 5, two points came to mind.

How awful that young Mr Navier had to wait until he was 18 before he could cast his vote. The suspense of having to wait till he was 21, like the vast majority of us, would have seemed interminable to him.

Then he informs that he deliberately wasted his vote instead of supporting the party he claims to be a member of. Wet behind the ears or still in short pants comes to mind.

Then we have Lyn Duggan complaining about cardboard cartons being left in the street. Did she bother to pick them up and dispose of them in a proper manner?

Or did she contact the council waste management services and ask them to collect them?

If she performed neither of these courses of action, then why is she complaining about others? After all, as good citizens we should try to remedy the situation. It is no use moaning and doing nothing.

Terry Mc Laughlin, Leeside, York.