ST WULSTAN’S Church was the venue recently for an International Food Fair organised by a group of students from St John’s University.

Ela Niczyperowicz, a student from the university, is working in Heworth on community projects so that students and local residents can get to know each other. So the local residents who came to the event were treated to fabulous dancing from the Japanese students, and to the opportunity to meet students from Germany, Mexico, Poland and from all over the UK.

As one resident said, this is much more fun than sitting at home alone looking at four walls. The students are now keen to organise regular coffee mornings for older people and to support other local projects. If residents in Heworth have any ideas, then please let me know.

I was glad to take part in the event and want to thank all the students who gave up their time to attend as well as to prepare the food, and to Kate Wiley for making St Wulstan’s Church available.

Tina Funnell, Heworth ward councillor, Upper Price Street, York.