HAVE the people who sanctioned the building of the new Selby hospital next to the council offices no respect for the war dead?

They are stealing the land on which the War Memorial Hospital was built.

For many years it was equipped, maintained and paid for by some of the local industries and the local community in memory of the brave men who fought and died so we may live in freedom. Now they are turning this memorial land into a car park. They should hang their heads in shame.

Yes, we do need a new hospital. But because the council is vacating its offices to enable Tesco to build a larger supermarket.

A superstore instead of the larger well planned hospital, built in its own pleasant surroundings, which we rightly deserve.

We are getting an inadequate ill-conceived stone building three floors high, next to the council offices, its workshops and store yard.

If anyone else had put these plans forward, they would have been thrown out.

Dorothy Caukill, White Street, Selby.