YOUR report of Saturday's Proms at Castle Howard (Proms are king of the castle, August 21) failed to mention the most outstanding performer of the night.

This was our third year, and as ever Jae Alexander, the orchestra and guest singers were wonderful.

The real icing on the cake was the Swedish piano player and his band that opened the event with the strings of the ENO, and then played again with the full orchestra in the concluding section!

Robert Wells was amazing. By his third number, he had the audience coming down to the stage, clapping, dancing and trying to get a better view of just how he managed to produce such a fantastic sound, from classical to classical rock to boogie and back again.

Let's hope we see him next year, we need more of this at the Proms.

I have never seen such immediate enthusiasm from the crowd, as a reaction to his incredible high-energy performance - he got a standing ovation and we wanted more.

He said he was back in York next month - more information please!

David Miller, Heron's Reach, York Road, Naburn.

Editor's note: Futher information about Robert Wells touring schedule can be found at The performer's management can be emailed at