TWO-thirds of residents living near a threatened park in York have declared they want to see the area kept as open space.

People living near to Cornlands Road Park have given the thumbs-down to plans to develop it with 19 new homes.

A door-to-door survey conducted by City of York Council leader, and Westfield ward councillor, Steve Galloway, has revealed that a clear majority of neighbours want the area to remain a park.

The Press reported last Saturday how Coun Galloway was advised that council officers would like to see the Tees Valley Housing Association develop the park and build 19 homes for rent.

Coun Galloway carried out the survey because he wanted to know what residents thought of the proposals before deciding whether they should be taken forward or not.

In a letter sent out last week to residents, Coun Galloway gave householders four options as to whether the park should be fully developed, partially developed or retained as open space. They could also indicate whether or not they were concerned about the plans.

The door-to-door survey showed that 14 per cent of residents wanted to see the park fully developed, 11 per cent said thay favoured a partial development of about ten homes and nine per cent were not concerned. - That left a total of 66 per cent opposed to the scheme.

Coun Galloway said he now expected the proposal to be "dropped".

"Although we expect to get more forms back when people return from holiday, there is already a clear majority of neighbours which wants to see the park retained as amenity open space," he said.

"Residents have also given us a lot of feedback about what they see as the future of the park. They are concerned about some security issues and many suggest securing the park after nightfall.

"Several want to see the quality and quantity of the play equipment improved but many accept that problems with vandalism will have to be addressed before his can happen.

"Others have complained about dogs being allowed to foul the park and we will be passing this complaint on for action by the animal welfare officers (dog warden).

"I expect that the proposal to build on the park will now be dropped".