I WOULD like to correct the suggestion given by Coun Watt that Labour and Green budget amendments denied the need to cut the deficit (Letters, March 1).

The Green Party conference recently voted to “deplore the Coalition Government’s huge reductions in government grants” but recognised that “each local authority has a legal duty to set a balanced budget”.

It stated that Green councillors should put forward “imaginative alternatives that will protect jobs and services”.

Alternatives suggested for savings included senior pay for top council executives, spending on expensive consultants and council fuel bills (by making schools, libraries etc more energy efficient) – exactly the sort of measures we had proposed, including a money-making scheme cutting energy bills by installing solar PV.

In York, we offered the Tory group the opportunity to back our amendment, limit some of the worst cuts and invest in free renewable energy.

They chose instead to push ahead with their ideologically driven privatisation of services for the vulnerable, combined with an attack on the council staff and their trade unions.

While Tory councillors happily reduce staff mileage allowances and remove Park&Ride passes, they still use their own free council car parking.

Coun Andy D’Agorne, Green Party, Broadway West, York.