TORY leader Coun Ian Gillies justified his party’s support for the draconian Lib Dem Council budget cuts, which will hit some of the most vulnerable in our community, by saying that the last Labour government had left the country with crippling debt, and that there was no money left.

Yet his Government is prepared to spend £3 billion on an unnecessary, and ill-thought-out NHS reorganisation, which will cripple our hospitals and health services.

His government, propped up by the Lib Dems nationally, has embarked on a reckless, ideologically driven blitzkrieg against our public services and welfare state generally.

Coun Gillies should give up trying to blame the last government, and drop the Tory spin he repeats parrot fashion.

The cuts the Lib Dem and Tory groups voted for last Thursday will wreak endless damage on those least able to protect themselves across the city.

Coun Sandy Fraser (Labour), Micklegate Ward, Millfield Road, York.