THE future of mental health services will be the focus of a debate in York on Friday.

Organised by the charity Rethink Mental Illness, the event is open to all those involved in mental health care in the city, both patients and carers.

Among the guests will be John Clare, assistant director of mental health at NHS North Yorkshire and York, and the chairman North Yorkshire County Council’s health scrutiny Committee, Coun Jim Clark.

Coun Clark said: “This event is an excellent opportunity for people affected by mental illnesses like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder to meet local decision makers and talk about the future of services in York.

“The NHS is currently undergoing a huge shake-up. In light of this it is especially important that people affected are able to have their say about how to improve treatment and support for mental illness.

“I look forward to being involved in the discussions and I hope many people will attend.”

The summit is to take place at the city’s Monkbar Hotel.

To reserve a place or for more details email or phone 0207 840 3147.