In November, 2008, councillors voted unanimously to support Coun Sonja Crisp’s motion that Holocaust Memorial Day should be a permanent fixture on the York civic calendar.

It was agreed that all genocides should be commemorated as there have been 16 since the Holocaust. Councillors agreed education would be the key, since children would be taught that no one should be persecuted for being “different”.

Every councillor agreed there was a need to stamp out racial hatred and this should be a key priority. On Thursday night, the Lib Dems and Tories voted to slash 80 per cent of the funding for the memorial day. This is £4,000 and a drop in the ocean when considering the council’s budget.

This is a betrayal of people who have suffered more than we can ever imagine. In many countries there are people who continue to be persecuted because of their race, religion or difference.

Racial hatred is not a thing of the past, it is as relevant today as it ever was.

Coun Denise Bowgett, Lady Hamilton Gardens, Holgate, York.