I WELCOME the news that Hull Road Park is to see an upgrade of its play facilities after the council was successful in gaining funding from the Government’s Playbuilder Scheme.

My team and I are thrilled that the children in my ward are to gain such a wonderful new facility and are impressed that it will be ready in time for the Easter holidays.

It is very important in our screen-focused and risk-adverse times that youngsters have good, safe facilities where they can run around and have fun.

I am especially proud that we were able to involve local people in all aspects of the design and planning process giving them real ownership of the new facility.

I also welcome the news that similar schemes are under construction in Haxby and Strensall, and that some of the £370,000 grant secured from the coalition government will go towards revamping the play areas at Bell Farm and Garnett Terrace, bringing them into the 21st century. The money will also hopefully fund the planning and development of a new play area in Heworth Without.

Josh Allen, Liberal Democrat candidate for Hull Road, Heslington Road, York.