PLANS to expand the Tesco store in Selby could bring 100 new jobs to the town.

Residents took part in a three-day public consultation when plans to improve Selby Tesco went on display in the Portholme Road store.

The proposals included a new replacement store with a café on a mezzanine level, a petrol filling station and more choice in the household, clothing, entertainment and electrical ranges.

During the consultation, more than 500 people registered their support for the new store, and about 99 per cent of visitors said they welcomed the plans.

Deborah Hayeems, from Tesco, said: “We’d like to thank everyone who took the time to give us feedback. We’re confident that a bigger store will benefit the local economy by keeping shoppers local and providing 100 new jobs for the area.”

Coun Steve Shaw-Wright said any plans for new jobs for the town were good news, but admitted an expansion of the supermarket could cause problems.

He said: “A hundred new jobs in town would be most welcome, we’ll take what we can get. But I have heard a lot of concern from local traders that they will take over the town. We can welcome it, but we also need to put some effort into revitalising the town centre.”

A Tesco spokeswoman said feedback from the consultation would be reviewed before an application for planning permission was submitted to Selby District Council.